Specializing in spreadsheet applications that are beautifully impossible and impossibly beautiful.
Automation and Forms
Data and Statistical Analysis
Formulas and Consolidation
Formatting and Power Features
Deep automation, fully skilled in Visual Basic
Office Automation across all MS products
DLL / Addin programming
In-workbook forms and data entry
Automation utilizing the object models of non-MS applications (latest example is pushing data into the object model of an architecture repository I manage for Bank of America)
Database integrations, data retrieval, and leveraging the Excel Data Model
PowerPivot and Multi-table pivot analysis
Programmatic Monte Carlo simulation
Statistical analysis and commonsense statistical presentation
Six Sigma / Lean analysis
Multivariate optimization
Extended analytics using PowerBI, Tableau, Microstrategy, and Business Objects
Bulletproof (non-positional) lookups and referencing
Multi-function array formulas
Custom function programming, referencing, and usage